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PC Stats has posted a MSI G4Ti4600-TD8X Videocard review

Today we're going to be looking at MSI's last dance with the extremely successful GeForce4 Ti line of videocards; specifically we'll be checking out the G4Ti4600-TD8X. Even though nVIDIA and company have been calling the GeForce Ti4600 GPU with 8x AGP technology a Ti4800 GPU (which can be misleading), MSI are not about to try to fool you with a larger number. MSI call their videocard exactly what it is, a Ti4600 with 8x AGP technology. The MSI G4Ti4600-TD8X is probably one of the better looking, and more importantly, better equipped videocards out there. With a bright red PCB and large aluminum & copper fin GPU/memory cooler on the front and another large aluminum heat spreader on the back. There are dual DVI connectors, and the box comes with a DVI to analog converter.
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