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Planet Hardware has posted a review on the MSI Pro266-R motherboard.

A socket, an AGP slot, five PCI slots, a CNR slot, a VIA chipset, onboard RAID and DDR support -- At first glance, the Microstar Pro266-Master motherboard would appear to be for the AMD Thunderbird and Duron platform, but this is not the case. Using the relatively new VIA Apollo Pro 266 chipset, Microstar has produced its most recent Intel based offering with all the new bells and whistles that AMD users have had available for the past few months. The Pro266´s main feature that stands out and will be advertised most is its support for both SDR and DDR SDRAM memory. The introduction of DDR memory to AMD´s Thunderbird and Duron has brought forth significant gains in performance, and hopefully similar gains will be seen on the Intel platform as well. In the following review we will take a look at the features that the Pro266 has to offer and the benefits that DDR memory has to offer Intel platform users.
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