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OCmodshop has a new review of the MUKii TransImp USB 3.0 Drive Enclosure

Data storage is a big part of our daily lives now. I have a vast majority of my movie and television series collection backed up onto external storage. I transfer data from my laptop to USB flash drives several times per day. I use an encrypted flash drive to keep backups of my manuscripts, articles, and reviews. And family videos and pictures take more than anything. I recently had to purchase a new 1TB drive just for that purpose.

When I moved to California in 2006, I went with only my crappy ZE4400 laptop and an external HDD that I put together myself. My mentor had given me a 40GB PATA laptop drive, and I had purchased an enclosure at the excellent price of $25.00. It was small, aluminum, and had only a USB port on it. You can get ones similar to it today on eBay for ninety-nine cents. Since it had no vent holes for heat to escape, I drilled intake holes on the flat end and drilled holes in the side to mount a USB-powered fan, which I epoxied on. The whole thing was jerry-rigged to the eighteenth power.
  MUKii TransImp X3 Drive Enclosure Review