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Steamed Turtle has posted a review on the Multi Power Port Plus

Not too long ago, I came across a shop. A shop unlike any I've seen before....a shop located in the state of Victoria, Australia. A shop with a wide range of modding goodies. Being the generous soul that I am, I took it upon myself to approach said shop, and thus I present to you today, the Multi Power Port Plus (MPPP), possibly the most useful bit of green stuff with pointy bits, I've ever encountered. The MPPP is an ingenious device; providing ease of modding, without taking the "mod" out it. All you get is a chipboard, and that in my opinion is a big plus. I've not been constricted by some over-glued casing in what I do with my MPPP; it's 100% functional pointy bits, 0% superfluous curvy bits. Today we're going to find out just how functional all those pointy bits are, and help you decide if the MPPP is for you, or your weird friend with 73 intake fans, or your mum, with a 4 molex PSU. read on....
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