GOGNet posted a Mushkin RedLine XP3500 1GB Dual Channel Kit review
Computer enthusiasts still remember the old-school Winbond BH-5 / CH-5 days, it's been a long time since Winbond stopped producing DDR ICs...Mushkin RedLine XP3500 1GB Dual Channel Kit Review
But suddenly...some weird sticks with 2-2-2-5 / 2-2-2-6 timings with good voltage scaling appear.
The mystery got solved...those sticks feature UnTested ICs from Winbond.They are untested BH-5 / CH-5 ICs, the well-known Voltage Hungry ICs.
And here we are...major high-end memory manufacturers releasing many sticks equiped UTT ICs, aiming for those hardcore overclockers out there.
Recently Mushkin contacted us, and asked us if we'd like to review some of their new products, the RedLine Series.
2 days later, FedEx delivered a package originating from Denver...we've found a Mushkin RedLine XP3500 1GB Dual Channel kit inside...
What a pleasant suprise...
We've started the burn-in process ( BH-5 / CH-5 ICs usually gain some MHz from the burn-in process ) which took us almost 5 days.
Should we start ?