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Bjorn3D posted Mushkin XP2-6400 4GB Kit Review

Being a Computer Product Analyst for Bjorn3D, I do my dead-level best to stay on top of the latest and greatest products being released that will be of true benefit to the computer enthusiast market to which we cater. In early January of this year, I was perusing some of the sites that were doing coverage of CES 2007. One product that really caught my eye was a 4GB kit of Mushkin DDR2 memory. The main reasons for this product's eye catching appeal were: 1) It was a 4 GB kit; 2) It had incredible timings (4-3-3-10-2T) for a memory kit that large; and 3) It had the Mushkin name on it. Computer shows such as CES are quite often used as 'consumer sounding boards' for product prototypes or those products that are still in their developmental infancy. Quite often, these products are a number of months or even longer away from an official release to the consumer market. So, I jotted the information down on my 'wish list' for future product reviews.

Fast forward to March 14th. I'm browsing through the press releases of the day and what headline do I see? 'Mushkin Releases the Highest Performance 4GB (2x2GB) Overclocking Kits' Needless to say, the next thing I did was to write Mushkin and request one of these kits for review. For once in my life, the timing must have been just about right, for in less than an hour I received a reply confirming my request and stating that the product would ship to me within the next week or so.

Today, it is our pleasure at Bjorn3D to present our take on Mushkin's XP2-6400 4GB DDR2 memory kit. Is it the highest performance 4GB overclocking kit available? Did Mushkin's emphsis on quality transcend to this product? Read on my friends and the answer to these questions and many others that you may have will be revealed!
Mushkin XP2-6400 4GB Kit Review