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Kenji Mouri has announced the release of NanaZip 5.0 Update 1 (5.0.1252.0) , a fork of 7-Zip for Windows, which includes various fixes and enhancements. The update represents an advancement of the modernized 7-Zip Plugin SDK, reflecting the progress achieved in NanaZip 5.0.

The update incorporates support for multiple file system image read-only formats, such as .NET Single File Application bundle, Electron Archive (asar), ROMFS, ZealFS, WebAssembly (WASM), and Work In Progress littlefs. The update encompasses translations in Ukrainian and Russian, Hungarian translations, as well as packages for maintainer tools. The update resolves concerns related to empty folders and inaccessible extractions. The update introduces a lightweight readonly implementation for littlefs parsers, applicable in MBR for retro 16-Bit x86 platforms.

NanaZip 5.0 Update 1 (5.0.1252.0)

I'm excited to announce that we've released NanaZip 5.0 Update 1, now available for download. This update contains several fixes and improvements.

Because of the progress of the modernized 7-Zip Plugin SDK which mentioned since NanaZip 3.0 has more progress in NanaZip 5.0, I can finally push some progress for  #302, which is one of the important reasons why I create NanaZip project.

As a professional Windows desktop app developer (at least I think I am) who also loves embedded, IoT, and retro platforms, I added some format codecs that can improve my productivity.

I can finally have a good rest before the end of my vacation because I have done nearly all the open-source development things I want on vacation days, lol.

Release Notes

  • Features
    • Introduce the .NET Single File Application bundle readonly support which currently extracting compressed files in the bundle are not supported.
    • Introduce the Electron Archive (asar) readonly support.
    • Introduce the ROMFS file system image readonly support.
    • Introduce the ZealFS file system image readonly support.
    • Introduce the WebAssembly (WASM) binary file readonly support.
    • Introduce the Work In Progress littlefs file system image readonly support which currently only block information can acquired.
  • Improvements
    • Update Ukrainian and Russian translation. (Contributed by SlowDancer011.)
    • Update Hungarian translation. (Contributed by JohnFowler58.)
    • Update packages for maintainer tools.
  • Fixes
    • Fix the empty folders are excluded issue for the UFS/UFS2 file system image readonly support.
    • Fix the unavailable issue when cancelling the extraction for the UFS/UFS2 file system image readonly support.

Note for Release Notes

Because the decoder and encoder interfaces are not ready in the modernized 7-Zip Plugin SDK, The .NET Single File Application bundle readonly support which currently extracting compressed files in the bundle are not supported.

I want to write littlefs parser by myself instead of using littlefs library because I want to have a lightweight readonly implementation which I can try to use that in MBR for happiness on the retro 16-Bit x86 platform. So, it's currently only block information that can be acquired.

I watched the videos from Zeal8bit last summer which makes me interested in making readonly support for his ZealFS which is used in his 8-bit computer design. I'm happy and have shared my ZealFS file system image readonly support implementation news via  Zeal8bit/Zeal-Software-Collection#1.


  • MSIX Package: NanaZip_5.0.1252.0.msixbundle

    • SHA-256: 98B3111AF394DDC3864D084FD43EC4415B72E30ABE38078F35140ED99EB1F662
  • License XML: NanaZip_5.0.1252.0.xml

    • SHA-256: 540B1693CB97E93093CEA730B90EA6AE4E796B8FA3EC16E3B77BF5745F9B1B9E
  • Debug Symbols:

    • SHA-256: 16C125029664CFEE80F41F09CC411FF595080D43AC4238FF0AB70AE35AE9ED6A

Kenji Mouri

Release NanaZip 5.0 Update 1 (5.0.1252.0) · M2Team/NanaZip