Reviews 52260 Published by posted a Netgear SC101 Storage Central Review

We know that many of you are looking for network-attachable storage devices, but you've turned away from buying one because they are too expensive. Netgear has come up with the SC101 Storage Central, a network-attached storage device that isn't expensive at all. It's inexpensive because out of the box, it doesn't have any hard drives in it. This way you can go buy your own hard drives and add them to the box at a much lower price. If you look hard enough for hard drives, the completed drive can be considerably cheaper than the prepopulated competition, such as the Buffalo TeraStation or the Iomega NAS 200d. We found a 320GB ATA drives going for around$150, therefore you can have yourself a network storage device for well under $500 total and you can get 640GB of shared storage space. For features and price per gigabyte, you won't find any other device that beats it.
Netgear SC101 Storage Central Review