Windows 10 967 Published by

Microsoft has fixed the explorer problems in Windows 10 Build 9879 and added a new search feature in Settings App of Windows 10 Build 9888:

Microsoft Fixes the Explorer Problems in Windows 10 Build 9879
Windows 10: New search feature in Settings app shows up in build 9888

Microsoft Fixes the Explorer Problems in Windows 10 Build 9879

Supposedly. Two weeks after the initial release of Windows 10 build 9879, Microsoft has fixed the biggest bug that has bedeviled Windows Technical Preview users. Or so it says: I can't seem to get the update installed on my desktop PC, and I would need to test the fix for a few days at least before I felt sure it was finally fixed.
Read full article @ SuperSite for Windows

Windows 10: New search feature in Settings app shows up in build 9888

Earlier today, a version of Windows 10 was leaked and with it come a few new features including the ability to search inside the settings app which makes it easier to find what you are looking for.
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