General 8066 Published by

Anthony send me the follow from 3dfx interactive:

"Unlike some third-party drivers that are circulating on user forums, our Voodoo2 drivers for Windows 2000 were built from the ground up based on Windows 2000 driver architecture. We worked very closely with Microsoft in developing these drivers to ensure their Windows 2000 compatibility despite the fact that Windows 2000 does not support stand-alone devices like the Voodoo2. We realize there are certain limitations in functionality with those drivers. It is 3dfx´s responsibility first and foremost to provide a stable drivers for our products. We are also bound by certain licensing agreements with Microsoft concerning what we can and cannot release to the public and how those releases can be made. However, the groundswell from users requesting modified NT 4 drivers is also something we cannot ignore. Therefore, we will soon be releasing our own modified NT 4.0 drivers for the Voodoo2 that will run under Windows 2000. In doing so we must state unequivocally that these are beta NT 4.0 drivers provided by 3dfx, and users running these drivers under Windows 2000 do so at their own risk. 3dfx makes no warranty of suitability for these drivers and our Tech Support department will not be able to answer any questions about these drivers. These new beta drivers should provide Glide/OpenGL and SLI support without the need for an additional monitor and will be released within the next day or two.

3dfx Interactive, Inc."