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Bjorn3D looks at a nForce4 SLI system

Usually once a year in the December-February time frame, I build a new machine that I will use for the next year. On this machine, I do all my gaming, bookwork and day-in day-out computing. Last year this machine was based on NVIDIA’s nForce3 150PRO chipset; this year I am building the machine on NVIDIA’s nForce4 SLI chipset.

The first thing I want to point out is this is not just a review of SLI; I am going to look at several aspects of the nForce4 chipset. Also this is not a clean install machine being looked at. This is a REAL WORLD machine. It is loaded with all the tools I use for work and things that most computer users would have installed and running. So the performance numbers you see on things should show you how your machine would perform if you had the same system I have built.
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