Software 42993 Published by

nLite is a GUI for permanent Windows component removal by your choice. After removal there is an option to make bootable image ready for burning on cd or testing in virtual machines. So that means that with nLite you will be able to have Windows installation cd which on installation doesn't install, or even contain on cd, unwanted components.

Maybe you won't believe it at first but it's not easy to not install what you don't want when it comes to Windows. It involves many setup files to be edited carefully without interfering with basic Windows components.

After some thinking I decided to make generic removal tool with a GUI, for an easy removal in order to run Windows faster and more reliable (I sound like Windows setup). So that means nLite should work on every Windows version.Now it supports Windows 2000, XP and 2003, Longhorn will be added when it's released.

Requires .Net Framwork 2.0
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K/2003 | Size: 1.66 Mb]

nLite 1.2 Beta