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NVIDIA has released a new Game Ready GeForce 7 driver for Battlefield V Open Beta

Our new GeForce Game Ready driver is optimized for Battlefield V’s Open Beta, F1 2018, Immortal: Unchained, Pro Evolution Soccer 2019, Strange Brigade, and Switchblade. To download and install, simply fire up GeForce Experience and click the "Drivers" tab.

Game Ready For The Battlefield V Open Beta
Ahead of Battlefield V’s general release on October 19th, you can participate in an open beta featuring Conquest on the Rotterdam and Arctic Fjord maps, and Grand Operations on Arctic Fjord, with Airborne mode on Day 1, and Breakthrough mode on Day 2.

The action begins on September 4th for those who pre-ordered, and gamers who are Origin Access Premier, Origin Access Basic and EA Access members. And then on September 6th for everyone else.
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