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Bit-Tech published a look at Nvidia's GeForce 3DVision

As a proof of concept the 3DVision is an excellent piece of tech and we confess that if it worked well with existing screens then as hardcore gamers we'd probably be tempted to go out and get one ourselves. If you're looking to spend some cash on a tech toy outside the necessary keyboard and mouse and instead of other worthy upgrades, compared to the questionably working OCZ NIA or the excellent but ultimately restricted Novint Falcon, it's worth the cash on 3DVision.

The requirement for a totally new monitor though is what knocks the legs out from underneath the 3DVision, taking it off the market for those who were after a big boys toy. As an unproven technology it needs to be cheap enough for interested parties to buy it on a whim so they can check it out and tell their friends -- and the one thing that 3D gaming //still isn't; is cheap enough for the average consumer.

That said it is worth bearing in mind that this is still cutting edge technology and that such stuff is always expensive. As time goes by those who are just behind the curve will start to catch up and the 3DVision will become a technology which is more viable beyond just the corporate or early-adopter market - and we can't wait!
Nvidia GeForce 3DVision & How 3D Works