Drivers 2940 Published by

NVIDIA has released new GeForce Game Ready WHQL drivers for Windows

Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 387.92

The following sections list the important changes and the most common issues resolved in this version. This list is only a subset of the total number of changes made in this driver version. The NVIDIA bug number is provided for reference.

- [SLI][Intel X299]: Low GPU usage resulting in poor performance occurs with the X299. [200331424]
- [YouTube]: With Fast Sync enabled, twitching occurs in full-screen YouTube videos while moving the mouse cursor.[1983056]
- [Discord]: Share FPS overlay appears in the application. [1965135]
- [HTC Vive]: VR view may jump at random times. [1959607]
- [NVIDIA Control Panel]: Custom resolutions are not preserved after updating the driver. [1996941] Win10
- [NVIDIA Control Panel][ASUS 4k display]: "Use NVIDIA Color Setting” is not preserved after updating or rolling back the driver. [200348193]
- Lines flash across the screen momentarily while booting into Windows. [200339233]
Release Notes
Download for Windows 10 (64-bit)
Download for Windows 10 (32-bit)