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NVIDIA has released a new GeForce hotfix display driver for Windows to address five issues.

Announcing GeForce Hotfix Driver 471.22

GeForce Hotfix display driver version 471.22 is based on our latest  Game Ready Driver 471.11.
The hotfix addresses the following issue:
  • Doom Eternal may crash to desktop during gameplay [3331270]
  • League of Legends [Tencent] may fail to launch [200744747]
  • Mouse cursor color may shift when connected to certain DSC monitors in HDR mode [200741796]
  • [HDMI 2.1][8K] HDMI audio playback may become distorted after changing display modes [3268312]
  • Some displays screen resolution limited to 640x480 after driver update [3330750]

GeForce Hotfix Driver 471.22