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Office 2007 Ribbon Editor 3.0.0 Beta 3 has been released

Office Ribbon Editor is tool that allows developers to create custom Ribbon UI's for Office 2007 products. This application is based on the CustomUI Editor. Brazucanet has taken their application and enhanced it by correcting some areas perceived as issues and provided new functionality.


Provides flexibility by allowing the user to change how the information is displayed by using detachable windows.
Provides usability by allowing the user to view the code simultaneously with other objects such as images or generated VBA callback functions.
Better image management prevents unnecessary file growth.
Save your callbacks as VBA modules. No more copy paste!
XML Validation

Project has been abandoned
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 847 KB]
  Office 2007 Ribbon Editor 3.0.0 Beta 3