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Dedoimedo posted a review of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 Preview (beta) office suite, including registration, download, setup, welcome screen and online integration, look & feel, data and logic flow design changes, overview & usability with focus on Word, Excel and Powerpoint, third-party file types support, account and file information, plus some other programs and features, some styling inconsistencies, overall stability, performance, and more.

How do you know Microsoft is a huge corporation? Because it launches products with a staggering amount of inconsistency among them, including some super-cool solutions alongside dreadful concepts that never should have been born. There are a few things that Microsoft really excels at, and that's being a player in the big league, top-notch support, serious business attitude, a strong presence and dominance in the office space.

Well, office space? Surely a genius, prophetic movie by Mike Judge, but also the bread and butter and anchovies of the Redmond giant. The thing is, they panicked. In the recent years, like any good giant, Microsoft has been having a hard time responding to the rapid, el-cheapo market changes, led by the buzzy cloudification of everything, which is not what Microsoft is good at. Bottom line, when it comes to being snazzy, tablety, smartphony, or such, Microsoft does not come as the first choice. And now, they think they have a partial answer to some of those. Enter Microsoft Office 2013, beta.
  Office 2013 beta review - A mixed bag of old and new