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Mark Russinovich tells conference audience that it's a "new Microsoft."

From ArsTechnica:
Microsoft releasing Windows as open source isn't impossible, the audience at the ChefConf conference heard on Wednesday. Mark Russinovich, Microsoft technical fellow and Azure CTO, was part of a panel discussion that asked, "Have your bets on Open paid off?"

For the longest time, Microsoft has been seen as an enemy of all things open, with former CEO Steve Ballmer famously describing Linux as a "cancer" in a 2001 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times. But attitudes and opinions have shifted in the intervening years. As Russinovich told the audience, almost all companies these days depend on at least some open source software, and that includes Microsoft customers. This has forced the company to warm to, and support, open source software—witness the proclamation by CEO Satya Nadella last October that "Microsoft loves Linux."
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