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Project PDA posted a Palm One Tungsten T5 Review

The T5 has been able to handle almost everything I've thrown at it. I have found it incredibly useful, very easily finding its way into my routine throughout the day. For example, I have an approximately 20 minute drive to the office and in the morning I don't always have the time to read as much as I'd like before I have to head for school. So, I simply downloaded some MP3 lectures that I'd been wanting to hear, transferred them to the T5 using the Drive Mode, and then listen to them via the built-in speaker. The MP3 playback is wonderful, especially considering the fact that if you are listening to an MP3 and the times comes for your Palm to go into "hibernate" it will continue to play the MP3 with no interruptions. If you have a playlist queued up, it will play the playlist clear through, with the screen blanked out so that you don't waste your battery life.
Palm One Tungsten T5 Review