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Bjorn3D takes a look at the Patriot 128GB Warp SSD

With SSD's (Solid State Drive) getting more reliable, and single SSD's producing 2x Raid0 like speeds the future is indeed bright for the fledgling technology. We've spotted smaller 32GB drives for under a hundred, and more reasonable 64GB sized SSD's in the $150 (USD) range. While they aren't competing with traditional platter drives price wise yet they are blowing the older technology away when it comes to raw speed.

Up until now we've seen SSD's as a boot drive that provides enough space for your favorite applications and a few games, backed by a mechanical HD for data and less demanding applications. Enter the Patriot 128GB Warp SSD, providing enough space for may mainstream users to bypass even needing a data drive, and the speed true enthusiasts crave. We've got one in house and ready to run through our testing regiment, so sit back, strap on your seat belt, and get ready for what? You guessed it, more blazing fast speed!
Patriot 128GB Warp SSD Review