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PC De-Crapifier 2.2.1 has been released

The PC Decrapifier will uninstall many of the common trialware and annoyances found on many of the PCs from big name OEMs. Below is the current list of software and items that the PC Decrapifier can detect and remove. You get to see the list of items it detects and then choose what will be removed automatically.

The user can select exactly what is uninstalled from the list below

AOL Install
AOL UK AOL 9.0, UK Version
AOL US AOL 9.0, US Version
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI
Corel Photo Album 6
Corel Snapfire Plus SE 30 day trialware
Corel WordPerfect
Dell Search Assistant
Dell URL Assistant Takes over your search/home page
Digital Content Portal
Earthlink Setup Files
Earthlink Setup Files
ESPN Motion
Get High Speed Internet!
Google Desktop
Google Toolbar Adds Google services to your web browser
HP Rhapsody
Internet Service Offers Launcher
Internet Service Offers Launcher
Microsoft Office Activation Assistant 2007
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
MS Plus Digital Media Installer
MS Plus Photo Story 2LE
MusicMatch Jukebox
MusicMatch Music Services
muvee autoProducer 5.0
NetZero Installers
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/Vista | Size: 1.28 MB]