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Bjorn3D takes a look at PC Power & Cooling 750 Watt Quad Silencer Power Supply.

PC Power & Cooling has long held an almost single-minded devotion to quality first, with standards, aesthetics, and industry trends all regulated to the rather crowded back seat. That isn’t to say they don’t meet standards, PC P&C has typically exceeded whatever standards currently exist at the time. Their refusal to meet Intel’s ATX 12V power supply specifications which call for the breaking up of the +12v rail into individual 20A limited rails is perhaps the most notable--and perhaps one of the biggest features--of the PC Power & Cooling Quad Silencer 750W.

More recent was the news that PC Power & Cooling, a long time privately owned company, was purchased by OCZ. OCZ is perhaps best known for their memory products although they have been offering their own lines of power supplies, aftermarket coolers and even recently NVIDIA graphics cards. Realizing the high value placed on anything with the PC Power & Cooling name OCZ has stated they have no plans to change either PC P&C’s name or current product offering. As news of the acquisition spread across the internet OCZ was also extremely quick to go on record dispelling notions that OCZ would start cutting corners in current models to lower production costs or change PC Power & Cooling’s commitment to quality first. We of course look foreward to seeing what PC P&C has planned for the future now that they have the strong presence and backing of OCZ
PC Power & Cooling 750 Watt Quad Silencer Power Supply Review