Microsoft 11815 Published by

Paul Thurrott posted day 2 of his PDC 2005 blog

I got my hands on Microsoft's current "official" stance on the Windows Vista product editions, or SKUs. This is the exact quote: "We are not ready to discuss the Windows Vista product edition strategy and expect to be able to share more as we continue through the beta process and solicit feedback on our product plans. At this time no final decisions have been made on the naming, pricing or features for all the product editions in the line up." The truth is, however, that they have made a decision about the products and names. That information was published in WinInfo last weekend, and it is corroborated in even newer internal documentation that reads as follows, "When Windows Vista goes to market in the fall 2006 [sic], we will offer 7 SKUs.
PDC 2005 Blog: Day 2 (Wednesday)