Overclockers Online has posted a review on the PEP66T CPU cooler.
I have to admit, this PEP66T is the first CPU cooler that took my P3-700E beyond the 1Ghz barrier (1022Mhz to be exact!!) without any lockups or other errors whatsoever. I was really amazed by the results that can be achieved with this HSF. Next, let´s have a look at some numbers, shall we? Ooh, right... I need to tell you what we mean by ´full load´. If we say ´full load´, we can already hear the CPU say "STOP!! That´s enough, you´re killing me..."Read moreWell, that´s about 2 hours of Prime95 together with RC5. Duh, what did you expect? Did you expect that we were going to test this HSF by just playing a game of Minesweeper? I don´t think so