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Bona Fide Reviews posted a review of Philips' 230WP7NS LCD monitor

Hot off of our review of the Samsung SyncMaster 214T we have an even larger display than the 214T, which measured in at 21.3", in store for today. Philips 230WP7NS, their largest LCD display on the market, measures in at a whopping 23". This makes the 230WP7NS the largest display ever reviewed on BonaFideReviews and we couldn't be more eager to tear into it, figuratively speaking of course. The 230WP7NS is a WUXGA ( Widescreen Ultra eXtended Graphics Array) display that has a display resolution of 1920×1200 pixels with a 16:10 screen aspect ratio.
Philips 230WP7NS 23" WUXGA LCD Widescreen Monitor Review