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The PHP Group has released the first beta of PHP 5.0.0

What's new:

- PHP5 features the Zend Engine 2. For a list of Zend Engine 2 changes, please visit http://www.php.net/zend-engine-2.php.

- XML support has been completely redone in PHP5, all extensions are now focused around the excellent libxml2 library (http://www.xmlsoft.org/).

- SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite, please visit their website, http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/.

- Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access low-level socket operations on streams.

- Due to issues surrounding the MySQL 4.0 license, the MySQL libraries are no longer bundled with PHP. For more information on these licensing changes please see the MySQL licensing policy