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The first release candidate of PHP 5.6.0 is available

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of the first release candidate of PHP 5.6. As we entered the feature freeze with beta1, this is a bugfix-only release. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs in the bug tracking system.


Change log:

- Core:
. Implemented FR #64744 (Differentiate between member function call on a null
and non-null, non-objects). (Boro Sitnikovski)
. Fixed bug #67436 (Autoloader isn't called if two method definitions don't
match). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #66622 (Closures do not correctly capture the late bound class
(static::) in some cases). (Levi Morrison)
. Fixed bug #67390 (insecure temporary file use in the configure script).
(Remi) (CVE-2014-3981)
. Fixed bug #67392 (dtrace breaks argument unpack). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #67428 (header('Location: foo') will override a 308-399 response
code). (Adam)
. Fixed bug #67433 (SIGSEGV when using count() on an object implementing
Countable). (Matteo)
. Fixed bug #67399 (putenv with empty variable may lead to crash). (Stas)

- CLI server:
. Implemented FR #67429 (CLI server is missing some new HTTP response codes).
. Fixed Bug #67406 (built-in web-server segfaults on startup). (Remi)

- Fileinfo:
. Fixed bug #67410 (fileinfo: mconvert incorrect handling of truncated pascal
string size). (Francisco Alonso, Jan Kaluza, Remi)
. Fixed bug #67411 (fileinfo: cdf_check_stream_offset insufficient boundary
check). (Francisco Alonso, Jan Kaluza, Remi)
. Fixed bug #67412 (fileinfo: cdf_count_chain insufficient boundary check).
(Francisco Alonso, Jan Kaluza, Remi)
. Fixed bug #67413 (fileinfo: cdf_read_property_info insufficient boundary
check). (Francisco Alonso, Jan Kaluza, Remi)

- mysqlnd:
. Added support for gb18030 from MySQL 5.7. (Andrey)

- Network:
. Fixed bug #67432 (Fix potential segfault in dns_get_record()).
(CVE-2014-4049). (Sara)

- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #65698 (certificates validity parsing does not work past 2050).
(Paul Oehler)
. Fixed bug #66636 (openssl_x509_parse warning with V_ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME).
(Paul Oehler)

- phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #67212 (phpdbg uses non-standard TIOCGWINSZ). (Ferenc)

. Implemented FR #49898 (Add SoapClient::__getCookies()). (Boro Sitnikovski)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug #66127 (Segmentation fault with ArrayObject unset). (Stas)
. Fixed request #67453 (Allow to unserialize empty data). (Remi)

- Streams:
. Fixed bug #67430 (http:// wrapper doesn't follow 308 redirects). (Adam)

- Tokenizer:
. Fixed bug #67395 (token_name() does not return name for T_POW and T_POW_EQUAL
token). (Ferenc)
  PHP 5.6.0 Release Candidate 1 released