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The first release candidate of PHP 7.2.0 is now available. The second Release Candidate will be released on the 14th of September.

What's new in PHP 7.2.0RC1

- Core:
. Fixed #75042 run-tests.php issues with EXTENSION block). (John Boehr)

. Fixed bug #75093 (OpenSSL support not detected). (Remi)
. Better fix for #74125 (use pkg-config instead of curl-config). (Remi)

- GD:
. Fixed bug #75111 (Memory disclosure or DoS via crafted .bmp image). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #75124 (gdImageGrayScale() may produce colors). (cmb)

- Intl:
. Fixed bug #75090 (IntlGregorianCalendar doesn't have constants from parent
class). (tpunt)

. Fixed bug #75089 (preg_grep() is not reporting PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR after
first input string). (Dmitry)

. Fixed bug #74631 (PDO_PCO with PHP-FPM: OCI environment initialized
before PHP-FPM sets it up). (Ingmar Runge)

- SQLite3:
. Update to Sqlite 3.20.1. (cmb)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #75097 (gethostname fails if your host name is 64 chars long). (Andrea)

You can download the source here. Windows binaries can be found here.