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PHP 7.3.0 Alpha 4, PHP 7.1.20, and PHP 7.0.31 has been released

PHP 7.3.0 Alpha 4:
- Core:
. Fixed bug #33502 (Some nullary functions don't check the number of
arguments). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #76392 (Error relocating sapi/cli/php: unsupported relocation
type 37). (Peter Kokot)
. The declaration and use of case-insensitive constants has been deprecated.

- Filter:
. Added the 'add_slashes' sanitization mode (FILTER_SANITIZE_ADD_SLASHES).
. Fixed bug #76366 (References in sub-array for filtering breaks the filter).
(ZiHang Gao)

- FPM:
. Fixed bug #62596 (getallheaders() missing with PHP-FPM). (Remi)
. Added fpm_get_status function. (Till Backhaus)
. Fixed bug #69031 (Long messages into stdout/stderr are truncated
incorrectly) - added new log related FPM configuration options:
log_limit, log_buffering and decorate_workers_output. (Jakub Zelenka)

- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #76574 (use of undeclared identifiers INT_MAX and LONG_MAX). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #76594 (Bus Error due to unaligned access in zend_ini.c
OnUpdateLong). (cmb, Nikita)

- PDO_Firebird:
. Fixed bug #74462 (PDO_Firebird returns only NULLs for results with boolean
for FIREBIRD >= 3.0). (Dorin Marcoci)
. Fixed bug #76488 (Memory leak when fetching a BLOB field). (Simonov Denis)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #73817 (Incorrect entries in get_html_translation_table). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #76136 (stream_socket_get_name should enclose IPv6 in brackets).

- Zip:
. Fixed bug #76524 (ZipArchive memory leak (OVERWRITE flag and empty archive)).
(Timur Ibragimov)

PHP 7.1.20:
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76534 (PHP hangs on 'illegal string offset on string references
with an error handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76502 (Chain of mixed exceptions and errors does not serialize
properly). (Nikita)

- Date:
. Fixed bug #76462 (Undefined property: DateInterval::$f). (Anatol)

- FPM:
. Fixed bug #73342 (Vulnerability in php-fpm by changing stdin to
non-blocking). (Nikita)

- GMP:
. Fixed bug #74670 (Integer Underflow when unserializing GMP and possible
other classes). (Nikita)

- intl:
. Fixed bug #76556 (get_debug_info handler for BreakIterator shows wrong
type). (cmb)

- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #76532 (Integer overflow and excessive memory usage
in mb_strimwidth). (MarcusSchwarz)

. Fixed bug #76548 (pg_fetch_result did not fetch the next row). (Anatol)

- phpdbg:
. Fix arginfo wrt. optional/required parameters. (cmb)

- Reflection:
. Fixed bug #76536 (PHP crashes with core dump when throwing exception in
error handler). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75231 (ReflectionProperty#getValue() incorrectly works with
inherited classes). (Nikita)

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #76505 (array_merge_recursive() is duplicating sub-array keys).
. Fixed bug #71848 (getimagesize with $imageinfo returns false). (cmb)

PHP 7.0.31:
- Exif:
. Fixed bug #76423 (Int Overflow lead to Heap OverFlow in
exif_thumbnail_extract of exif.c). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #76557 (heap-buffer-overflow (READ of size 48) while reading exif
data). (Stas)

- Win32:
. Fixed bug #76459 (windows linkinfo lacks openbasedir check). (Anatol)