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Both PHP 7.3.0 Beta 1 and PHP 7.2.9 RC1 are now available

PHP 7.3.0 Beta 1
- Core:
. Fixed bug #76667 (Segfault with divide-assign op and __get + __set).

. Fixed bug #75402 (Possible Memory Leak using PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL option).

- SQLite3:
. Fixed #76665 (SQLite3Stmt::bindValue() with SQLITE3_FLOAT doesn't juggle).

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #68553 (array_column: null values in $index_key become incrementing
keys in result). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76643 (Segmentation fault when using `output_add_rewrite_var`).

PHP 7.2.9 RC1
- Calendar:
. Fixed bug #52974 (jewish.c: compile error under Windows with GBK charset).

- Filter:
. Fixed bug #76366 (References in sub-array for filtering breaks the filter).
(ZiHang Gao)

- PDO_Firebird:
. Fixed bug #76488 (Memory leak when fetching a BLOB field). (Simonov Denis)

. Fixed bug #75402 (Possible Memory Leak using PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL option).

- SQLite3:
. Fixed #76665 (SQLite3Stmt::bindValue() with SQLITE3_FLOAT doesn't juggle).

- Standard:
. Fixed bug #73817 (Incorrect entries in get_html_translation_table). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #68553 (array_column: null values in $index_key become incrementing
keys in result). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #76643 (Segmentation fault when using `output_add_rewrite_var`).

- Zip:
. Fixed bug #76524 (ZipArchive memory leak (OVERWRITE flag and empty archive)).
(Timur Ibragimov)