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The second alpha version of PHP 7.4.0 is now available

- Core:
. Fixed bug #78151 (Segfault caused by indirect expressions in PHP 7.4a1).
. Fixed bug #78154 (SEND_VAR_NO_REF does not always send reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78182 (Segmentation fault during by-reference property
assignment). (Nikita)

- Date:
. Fixed #69044 (discrepency between time and microtime). (krakjoe)

- GD:
. Added TGA read support. (cmb)

- MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #67348 (Reading $dbc->stat modifies $dbc->affected_rows).

- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #78106 (Path resolution fails if opcache disabled during request).
. Fixed bug #78175 (Preloading segfaults at preload time and at runtime).

- SQLite3:
. Implement FR ##70950 (Make SQLite3 Online Backup API available). (BohwaZ)
  PHP 7.4.0 Alpha 2 released