Windows 10 973 Published by

Microsoft has released a new version of PowerToys for Windows 10.

PowerToys v0.18.2

PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. Inspired by the Windows 95 era PowerToys project, this reboot provides power users with ways to squeeze more efficiency out of the Windows 10 shell and customize it for individual workflows.

This is patch release to fix a few items for 0.18. This release fixes a problem when PowerToys was run elevated and a ripple effect with PowerToys Run then being elevated as well. It also fixes one of the major search result issues from the 0.18/0.18.1 release. There are more and we are proactively fixing them.

Update: For a few of the fixes, PT Run's app data needs to be reset. Please delete everything in this folder: %localappdata%/Microsoft/PowerToys/PowerToys Run

This release will fix the issues below:

  • #3223 - [Launcher, Tracker] doesn't find some apps (file explorer, windows terminal,...)
  • #3180 - PowerToys run shows Notepad en Notepad++ twice
    • This is partially fixed, will be fully fixed in 0.19
  • #3599 - Does not find Evernote
  • #3532 - No camera in run
  • #3215 - When PowerToys is running as administrator, everything Run launches is also ran as administrator
  • #3646 - PowerToys Run shows no files or folders when running in admin mode

This release also added symbols being generated for added debugging ability. This release was also built off stable versus master branch as well as the master branch has additional work being done.

For more details on the 0.18 full update, please look at those  release notes.

