Windows 10 967 Published by

Deondre Davis has announced the release of PowerToys 0.41.2.

PowerToys 0.41.2

Our goals for the v0.39 release cycle and v0.41 release cycle included stability updates and optimizations, general bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and supporting the integration of the new community led project, Awake, which allows Power-Users to now keep their computer awake on demand!

Installer hash


Change log

  • Shortcut guide removed support for long Win press to activate. Now supports Win + ? by default
  • Turned off FancyZones canvas editor magnetic snapping to allow keyboard support
  • Updated Color Picker GIF for OOBE. Thanks @niels9001!
  • Removed outdated MSIX code
  • Upgraded all projects to Modern WPF 0.94
  • Dropped support for the module interface API to save settings
  • Removed Winstore dependency


  • Improved auto-update experience in PowerToys Settings
  • Updated general bug report information to be more robust
  • Improved settings layout for radio button groups. Updated images and menu for OOBE. Thanks @niels9001!
  • Localization updates


  • New Awake utility added! Power-Users can now keep their computer awake on-demand without having to manage its power settings. Huge thank you to @dend

Color Picker

  • Improvements to Color Picker’s zoom functionality. Thanks @DoctorNefario
  • Prevent duplicate colors from appearing in selection history
  • Fixed OOBE hotkey description. Thanks @coc0a


  • Full keyboard support for canvas editor's main window and context. Thanks @niels9001](
  • New support for faster layout selection by double clicking a desired layout from the editor to automatically apply it and dismiss the editor.
  • New zone activation behavior allows users to snap a window to the zone who's center is closest to the cursor. Thanks @ulazy1!
  • Added process icon for FancyZones.
  • Fixed issue with zoning minimized windows.
  • Fixed a bunch of accessibility bugs
  • Now an independent exe, detached from the runner process.

File Explorer Add-Ons

  • Adjusted Markdown newline behavior to be less strict so the add-on behaves more like GitHub implementations
    Image Resizer
  • Fixed bug with custom size option where leaving a height/width value blank caused the output to be a 1 x 1 square pixel. Now the blank value automatically adjusts to the height/width that was set.


  • Fixed File Explorer crash when running PowerRename

PowerToys Run

  • Multiple crashing bugs resolved.
  • New Unit Converter plugin! Activate in the query prompt with the default activation phrase %%. Ex: %% 10 ft in m. Thanks @jsoref and @ThiefZero!
  • New Windows Settings plugin! Search for specific Windows settings from PowerToys Run by utilizing the default activation phrase $ followed by the desired setting. Ex: $ Add/Remove Programs Thanks @TobiasSekan
  • Updated the URL plugin to enable quickly launching the default browser with the action keyword, which defaults to //.
  • Added remainder/modulo support for Calculator plugin via % operator.
  • Faster launching from improved Win32 program indexing. Thanks @royvou!
  • Search text results now highlight matched characters from input. Thanks @niels9001!

Settings / Welcome to PowerToys

  • Fixed Color Picker’s key-binding information

Shortcut Guide

  • Customize key-binding from settings menu
  • Took Shortcut guide out of the runner process to remove unnecessary interdependencies


  • Updated .NET Core dependency to 3.1.15
  • Reduced the network traffic by making the updater not download files when they're already cached

Community contributions

We'd like to directly mention (in alphabetical order) for their continued community support this month and helping directly make PowerToys a better piece of software.

@Aaron-Junker, @coc0a, @dend, @DoctorNefario, @dogancelik, @htcfreek, @itsme-alan, @Jay-o-Way, @djsoref, @niels9001, @nitroin, @ricardosantos9521, @ThiefZero, @TobiasSekan, and @ulazy1


Download PowerToys 0.41.2