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The Tech Report has posted a preview on ATI's Radeon 9000 and 9700 graphics processors

I'M WRITING THIS ON an airplane, flying back from ATI's press event introducing its new graphics chips to the world, so please bear with me if I seem a bit distracted. I'm trying to get a look into First Class whenever the little curtain gets moved. I've always wondered what goes on up there.

With that out of the way, let me tell you about the Radeon 9000 and 9700 chips. These two chips are ATI's next-generation products, and if ATI delivers them intact and on schedule, we'll have a new undisputed champion in the graphics chip business. And it's cliché to say it by now, but I have to, because it's so true: ATI's new chip, code-named R300, brings revolutionary change to real-time graphics.
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