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As many as 20 to 30 processes may be running invisibly, silently in the background on your PC. Some hog system resources drastically slowing down your computer; others are a threat to security and privacy; others may be harmless.

The Windows Task Manager displays most of these processes but you have no information to learn and understand what is what.

Get the latest definitions and exhaustive advice on all the processes running on directly in the Windows Task Manager by downloading the Quick Access InfoBar from


Click on the i-button to instantly gain access the relevant process descriptions and advice through the Task Manager

Gain insight on any process through easy and quick search feature that queries over 9000 entries in database directly.

Provided free of charge, new process descriptions are added on a weekly basis making the site the most comprehensive source of information yet.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K/2003 | Size: 345 Kb]

ProcessLibrary.Com Quick Access InfoBar 1.2.1