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Bjorn3D takes a look at the QNAP NVR-1012.

I always thought that the little security system signs that people place in their landscaping and on their windows at home looked a bit goofy. I mean, yes, it may deter some of the more novice thieves, but like they say, 'locks only keep the honest people out'. It also seemed like putting up the signs was almost an advertisement that shouted 'Hey! Look at me, I have goodies inside!' These thoughts all came to me before I actually owned my own house, but now that I am in my second house, I see the appeal of a security system. One thing that most security systems do not come with however, is any sort of camera or video recording features, and if they do, they are outrageously expensive. This is where the NVR-1012 Network Surveillance System from QNAP comes into play. The NVR-1012 pairs the NVR-101 Network Video Recorder with two ICS-1013 IP cameras for dual-zone monitoring, with the ability to expand the system if needed. Follow along to see just how the QNAP NVR-1012 can help you get started with monitoring your home or office.
QNAP NVR-1012 Review