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TweakTown posted RaidSonic Icy Box IB-MP305A-B Network Multimedia HD Player Video Review

It is actually a very similar device to the Astone Media Gear AP-100 1080p Media Player that we video reviewed in August as well as the ASUS O!Play HDP-R1 1080p HD Media Player that we also video reviewed last week. All three systems provide video, image and audio playback by means of using the popular Realtek RTD1073 media chipset.

You would think that using the same chipset would make each device very similar. If you did think that, you would be partly correct, as some things are quite similar. However, what’s different between each of the media players is the type of output connections you have as well as menu interface and other software based features. This is where the Icy Box jumps out ahead of the pack, in our opinion.
RaidSonic Icy Box IB-MP305A-B Network Multimedia HD Player Video Review