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Bjorn3D takes a look at the Razer Lycosa Gaming Keyboard.

Keyboards of the past were designed for the same thing typewriter keyboards were, typing. Today's computers, being more powerful and diversified, encompass entertainment and gaming and the need for good gaming and multimedia keyboards has grown with the evolution of more powerful machines.

We've been scouring the Earth looking for a keyboard that would handle modern games, and still serve as an every day keyboard yet satisfy the gaming enthusiast in all of us.

So when Razer contacted us about their Razer Lycosa gaming keyboard we were naturally excited about testing it to see if it could handle our craving for a death dealing device capable of delivering destruction upon our enemies heads with ease and precision. Err, we mean, will it fulfill the needs of the modern gamer.

After several weeks of passing the keyboard around the lab, and after many hours of grueling game play, we mean testing, we're ready to give you the skinny on the Lycosa. Stick around and see if the Lycosa is the instrument of destruction you need to improve your gaming arsenal.
Razer Lycosa Gaming Keyboard Review