ReactOS 51 Published by

ReactOS 0.1.1 has been released:

ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with Windows NT applications and drivers.

ReactOS 0.1.1 Changelog

- IO improvements (Eric Kohl)
- Registry: Added hive flushing, key deletion, hize syncing (Eric Kohl)
- Flushing cache at shutdown (Hartmut Birr, Eric Kohl)
- Improved HalExamineMBR() to detect disk managers (Eric Kohl)
- Initial work on I/O completion (Gunnar André Dalsnes)
- Improved ioctl requests and direct access input buffers (Hartmut Birr)
- Improved NtQuerySystemInformation (Aleksey Bragin)
- Added support for the Ontrack Disk Manager (Eric Kohl)

- Win32k: Support for VMware video drivers (Ge van Geldorp)
- Win32k: VGA Driver loaded from registry key (Ge van Geldorp)
- Win32k: Support for MS VGA driver under VMware (Ge van Geldorp)
- Win32k: Add support for 8-bit and 32-bit displays (Ge van Geldorp)
- Win32k: Switch back to the command prompt when pressing Close button (Ge van Geldorp)
- Win32k: Implemented several window positioning functions (Richard Campbell)
- Win32k: InvalidateRgn, InvalidateRect, PolyLine (Tim Jobling)
- Win32k: Added support for allocating a DCE for each window (Richard Campbell)
- Csrss: More Console functions implemented, others improved (Hartmut Birr)
- Usetup: Inf-parser based on Alexandre Julliard's setupapi inf-parser (Eric Kohl)
- Usetup: Implemented InfGetXxxField() functions. (Eric Kohl)
- Usetup: Import of default registry settings from .inf files (Eric Kohl)
- Shell: Changed default shell to cmd.exe (Richard Campbell)

- User32: Win 95/NT/4/5 Window look (Richard Campbell)
- User32: GetClientRect implementation (Tim Jobling)
- User32: Added Polygon (Mark Tempel)
- Kernel32: Improved process management (Eric Kohl)
- Kernel32: Support images with native subsystem ID (Casper Hornstroup)
- Msvcrt: Implemented _spawnlp (Hartmut Birr)

- Floppy: Fix boot problems with driver and make it work under VMware (Ge van Geldorp)
- Psaux: Improved mouse button handling (Jason Filby)
