Software 43045 Published by

Reg Organizer - powerful manager of the system Registry and configuration files. Reg Organizer is sort of a browser for the deepest and normally most inaccessible parts of the operating system. You'll be able to browse, preview and edit Registry items using a conveniently designed interface. Reg Organizer offers a variety of benefits to all Windows users. Allows you to clear the registry and search for the keys associated with the specified application and delete them if necessary. Supports full preview of the contents of the registry files (*.reg) before importing from the Explorer. Also supports configuration files management. With Reg Organizer you can easily open and edit (add, change, delete keys/sections etc) configuration files of the various programs.

[License: Shareware $29.95| Requires: Win All | Size: 1.5 Mb]

Reg Organizer 4.0 Beta 2