Reviews 52270 Published by has posted a review on the Rio Nitrus 1.5 GB MP3 Jukebox

Before I get started with the Nitrus review, I'd like a minute to discuss the soaring gigabyte sizes of modern MP3 players. The Nitrus is a "measly" 1.5GB’s, which translates into about 25 hours of music (at 1 Meg. per minute, standard for an mp3 at 128kbps). If I listen to it an hour a day that's 25 days worth of music without repeating a song. Isn't that enough for everyone? I don't understand spending $300-$400 on 20 to 40GB MP3 players. Twenty GB’s is 333 hours of music (1 Meg. /min), which would be an hour a day for nearly a year without a repeat. Who needs that much music in their pocket? Don’t get me wrong I can understand why someone would need their entire music compilation stored at home or in their vehicle, but I just don’t understand the need for 333 hours of music in your shirt pocket. After 6 months my Nitrus is only half full and I really don't know what to do with the rest of the space.
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