Reviews 52258 Published by has reviewed the Samsung 171MP monitor

The Samsung 171MP not only features tight dot-pitch, but also it sports very high contrast ratio. Perhaps you can find similar specs from other LCDs, but that's about all you get from a cheaper priced monitor. The Samsung 171MP has RCA and S-video input connectors so you can connect it to other component systems (VCR, Home Theater, etc.). And that's not all, the 171MP is HDTV ready and has the component input jacks as well. Optionally, you can buy the TV Tuner module which allows direct cable connection for your 24/7 TV enjoyment. The Picture-In-Picture lets you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer while studying for that AI course you are failing. Are you drooling yet? No? How about a remote control which allows easy control of all the functions of the unit? I thought so, go get a napkin.
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