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Bjorn3D has posted a Samsung CLP-510N Laser Printer review

Printers have evolved a long way since the Epson 80 dot matrix of decades ago. Dot matrix printers are almost totally gone, and everyone seems to have an inkjet printer these day. Inkjets are fine printers except for a few little things: ink usually only lasts a couple hundred of pages and runs $30.00 to $40.00 per cartridge, and the ink can be smeared if the paper gets wet. So if you want to keep cost down, you get a laser printer. Here you usually spend about $60.00-90.00 per toner cartridge, and they print 5,000 pages per toner on average. The only problem has been that a color laser printer has cost $1,500.00 to $5,000.00, or at least that is how it used to be. Over the last couple of years, color lasers have been getting very inexpensive, and today I am going to look at one such printer, the Samsung CLP-510N.
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