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PC Stats has posted a Samsung SPL4225 Tantus 42 inch Plasma Display eeview

After watching countless DVD's on good old televisions, tiny computer screens, high-resolution LCD displays, and even rear projection HDTV's, I can say without a doubt; once you go plasma you never go back!

Samsung's Tantus SPL4225 Plasma display measures an impressive 42" across, and a scant three and a half inches thick. The image quality is just luscious, and if you can forget about the nearly ten thousand dollar (CDN) price tag for a moment, there is virtually no downside to this display. This 42" plasma display can be connected to a computer to act like a giant monitor for presentations, or heck even gaming. As part of our...ummm testing...we played a few rounds of UT2003 on the 42" SPL4225.
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