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EnvyNews has posted two new reviews:

Samsung VoiceYepp VY-H200S 64MB
With each passing year, Samsung Electronics Corporation introduces wave after wave of really cool products designed to enhance our enjoyment of life. Known primarily for their LCD Displays and DDR RAM, Samsung also designs and manufactures a broad range of consumer electronics as well as portable digital audio players, known to some as Yepp. Today, we look at their VoiceYepp VY-H200S 64MB recorder. Digital sound recorder or MP3 player? Read on to find out!
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You know all those spy, action movies, and television series’ where the agent in question opens a top-security installation vault-door by placing their hand on a scanner? The type where you just know that sometime down the road in the movie, someone will lose a finger or an arm, to foil the device for illicit entry? Ever dreamed of having a similar device in your home, or even your very own personal computer?
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