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EnvyNews has posted two new reviews:

Samsung YEPP YP-55i MP3 review
Some companies seem satisfied to merely meet the needs of their consumers.While there are others that strive to find new and more interesting ways tosatisfy desires that consumers don't even know they have. One of thecompanies in the latter group is Samsung, and the aspect of their productsthat I'm referring to is the Samsung Yepp lineup. Today, we take a look attheir YP-55i, a 192MB pendant-style solid-state MP3 player that will blowyour socks off!
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GlobalWIN SAF420 Power Supply review
The power supply is one component where function should never be sacrificedfor form. A good power supply is critical for any system, especially if youplan on overclocking and gaming. A poorly manufactured power supply couldspell death for any PC component. GlobalWIN wants to give the PC moddingcommunity a unit that provides clean, stable power, while having an eye forstyle. With Active PFC, PSU windows, and even blue LED fans, the SAF420 isone hip and extremely well-behaved power-supply unit.
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