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The Tech Report published a review on Samsung's 840 Series SSD

Samsung is the biggest producer of flash memory in the world—by a fair margin. The latest numbers from IHS iSuppli peg Samsung's share of the NAND market at over 42%, well ahead of Toshiba's at 25% and Micron's at 21%. Given those figures, it's no surprise Samsung is also one of the biggest players in the SSD business.

What may surprise you is just how long Samsung has been one of the top dogs in that realm. Everyone's familiar with the 830 Series, which debuted a little more than a year ago and quickly became one of the most desired SSDs among PC enthusiasts. The 830 Series was a follow-up to the 470 Series, which didn't make as big of a splash in hobbyist circles. Samsung had other SSDs before that, but I bet you can't name any of them.

I'm sure you can list a few major PC makers, though. Samsung claims it's been the number-one supplier of SSDs to the big-name PC brands since 2006, a full two years before Intel's first SSD even hit the market.
  Samsung's 840 Series SSD reviewed