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Bjorn3D posted a review on the Sans Digital Synology DS-107

A simple server can be simply an old system that it stores the shared data or as complicated as a business oriented Server. Of course the converting an old computer to a server is probably the cheapest way to go, however, an old PC will take up a large space and it may also consumes quite a lot of power when it’s running 24/7 and maybe slightly troublesome to maintain and configure. A NAS on the other hand takes just slightly larger space than the hard drive it encloses and it obviously consumes much less power than a full PC. Lately, the price of NAS has dropped quite significantly and has trickled down to be more affordable where even a home user can benefit from having a NAS. Not only that a NAS will serve as the medium for data transfer, many current NAS are packed with features, they can also serve as a printer server, back up stations, and recently with the popularity of torrents, it can even download files without a computer. Today, we will take a look at the Synology DS-107 NAS from Sans Digital.
Sans Digital Synology DS-107 Review