Software 42986 Published by

Examine all data on a hard drive or diskette, at the sector level! Use SectorSpyXP/98 forensically to find and retrieve incriminating evidence! Append text information evidence to a text file. SectorSpyXP/98 will not write any information to the media, avoiding contamination! You can override this with a key. Retrieve lost information, text that has been deleted and removed from the recycle bin, like e-mails, Word documents, notepad and WordPad documents, Excel spreadsheets, database text data, and any text data that has been written to the hard drive, and not yet overwritten by the operating system! Search for a list of keywords! Navigate the sectors with the mouse or keyboard! Supports the following file systems: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and diskettes. SectorSpyXP/98 is 100% free. Pass it around!
